DPR fighters open Civil Registry Office in a seized Mormon prayer house.

News 20.05.2016, 10:10

In Donetsk, the DPR militants opened a Civil Registry Office in Proletarian district in a building that formerly served as premises of the Mormon church. In the course of conflict the religious community was forced to leave Donetsk because of the danger to the life of its members.

According to Chetverta Vlada media resource that cites the "media" of militants, the DPR leadership converted the deserted Mormon meeting house into the Wedding Palace.

The event was attended by local "MPs" and "Justice Minister" Elena Radomska who cut the red ribbon at the captured Mormon building, and gave registrar ... a printer as a present.

Former Ukrainian MP of the Communist Party Volodymyr Bidevka also visited the Civil Registry Office.

However, most militants also gave a credit to of quality and comfort of the building arranged by Mormons before it was captured by terrorists.

“To mark its establishment, the Civil Registry Office was granted a magnificent new building with a great hall and comfortable rooms for employee,” Radomska told reporters.

At the end of the solemn opening, the building was blessed by an archpriest of the Moscow Patriarchate.

Source: RISU

Tags: Donbas LDS Church (Mormons)